I write in several languages. For android apps I use java (don't know kotlin yet), for scripts and automations I use TypeScript. Several other projects are written in c++
Other stuff
Projects listed here are the ones that are worth looking at, for a full list, check out my Github
A small app that shows your todo list on your lockscreen

Keyboard vis
A simple openRGB client reacting to some dbus events and displaying them on an openRGB device

Universal renderer
Obsidian plugin to render latex, dot, blockdiag, ditaa and other graphs

A simple 2d and 3d chaos attractor visualiser written in java and libGDX

Reflection code generation from clang ast

Disk deduper
A desktop app that will help you find and deal with file duplicates on you drive

A collection of different audio visualisers written in java and libGDX

🤖 MineRank